Due to problems arising from COVID-19, this session is postponed indefinitely. We will inform you about the new date of announcement.
March 19, 2020
Universitat Abat Oliba CEU,
- 15: 45h - Registration
- 16: 00h - Welcome by Josep Maria Vall, CIAC's president.
- 16: 15h - Welcome
- 16: 30h - Speech 1
- 17: 00h - CIAC Strategic Plan Presentation
- 17: 00h - Talent platform presentation
- 17: 10h - Sector trends
- 17: 20h - Precedents
- 17: 30h - CIAC's Staff
- 17: 40h - New work's areas
- 18: 00h - New CIAC governance
- 18: 20h - New work areas leaders
- 18: 25h - New CIAC's headquarters
- 18: 35h - Speech 2
- 19: 05h - Closing
- 19: 20h - coffee networking
Google maps: Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, https://goo.gl/maps/ACtQB6oVenBzKzRq7